Picture of me

Hi! Welcome to my e-porfolio.
My name is Michael Rodríguez 👋

I'm 23 years old an I am studing my dream career, which is computer science. My experience with programing languages can help your buisness outstand and grow. As a strong frontend sofware developer , I'm confident that I can help build responsive and unique web applications for your company putting user experience as a priority.

This is my technology stack

Html Logo
CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo
React Logo
Python Logo
C++ Logo
SQL Logo

This is my education

Secondary Education:

Graduated from high school with a 3.8 GPA

Undergraduate Degree

University of Puerto Rico, Campus of Río Piedras
Coursing my last semester for my major in Computer Science. In my Computer Science coursework, I delved into Computer Architecture, Data Structures, Compilers, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Databases, and Cyber Security, to name a few. In addition, I’ve had the opportunity to be part of group projects that emulated a similar work environment to a company whilst having the space to make mistakes and be guided by expert professors

Here are some of my projects

  • Oasis Coop Website picture

    Oasis Synergistic Technologies Website

    Godaddy, HTML, JavaScript, Airtable

    This was the first project I ever did for a company. For this project I used Godaddy and simple HTML to create the layout of the page. I also used airtable to create the company's database and connect it to the webpage. Oasis is an agriculture cooperative with more then 100 partners in the cooperative. I also used Canva for all the pictures in the page.

  • Mike Fitness's E-commerce

    Mike Fitness's E-commerce

    Html, CSS, JavaScript

    This is a personal e-commerce page that is not meant to be fully funcitonal yet. I will use this to sell my workout programs to my followers. For this page I used HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For now all the buying capabilities will be disabled.

  • Isabela Tango Fest Website Picture

    Isabela Tango Fest Website

    Html, CSS, JavaScript

    The Isabela Tango Fest is a renowned festival that takes place in Isabela, Puerto Rico. This festival gave me the opportunity to use my knowledge of Frontend development to make their buisness shine in their 25th year running said festival. For this proyect I used advance HTML for the structure of the page and CSS for the styling. I also used advanced JavaScript for the animations.